Become a member

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How to become a member


Open the  and fill it step by step.

Once completed the form, a pdf document will open. Please print it and send it signed and sealed to ASEMER correspondence address: Str. Ing. Dumitru Zosima nr. 77, Etaj 1, Biroul 5, Sector 1, Bucharest.

The Board of Directors will approve your application for membership and will officially communicate it to you, indicating the bank account where you make ​​the payment of the fee.

Once you email the PO (payment order) of the corresponding payment to



Rights and obligations of the members

The rights of the founding and holder members are:

  • Attend the General Assembly of Members, to exercise their right to vote and to appoint members of the Board;
  • Participate in the Board and in the future different governing bodies, committees and working groups to be established;
  • To benefit from all the services and advantages offered by ASEMER; to attend events held therein, and to exercise such powers as provided by this Bylaws, the resolutions of the General Assembly of Members and of the Board, as well as those granted by law;
  • Examine, in the prescribed manner,  ASEMER records, to oversee the management of its governing bodies propose in writing any suggestions or requests and make any claim, complaint or observation;
  • To be registered in the register of ASEMER Shareholders that certifies them as such to exercise the rights deriving from membership in ASEMER. The use of such identification will be personal and un-transferable, and for delivery and use thereof, the member must keep abreast with the settlement of the membership fee;
  • Freely express their opinions on matters that reflect their interests respecting the value and prestige of ASEMER, members and their representatives;
  • Make proposals and petitions to ASEMER governing bodies;
  • Any others that are legally established or determined bylaws or regulation;
  • Exercise of the rights set forth above shall be suspended automatically, in the case where the members are not up to current payment of all dues of the Association. The members are not personally liable for the acts or omissions of the Association. The Association will respond with its own heritage before any damage caused to third parties by their acts or omissions.

Obligations of Members

  • To observe the rules and regulations of the Bylaws that shall be approved, observe the lawful agreements and decisions adopted by the organs of the Association and, in general, to observe the guidelines and rules of the Association, in the matters subject to it as long as not oppose to the legal provisions in force.
  • To zealously accept and meet management positions to be part of specific committees for which they were elected or appointed, except in cases of serious and legitimate excuse raised in as such.
  • To contribute to the support of the Association through contributions in cash or in kind under the legislation in force in Romania.
  • To behave properly towards other members, by respecting their opinions and points of view, and to operate within the general standards of honesty, ethics and professionalism.
  • Maintain updated location data and notification references such address, telephone, fax, e-mail, etc., and to make available the information the Association may require in general.
  • To show solidarity with the agreements reached by majority, respecting the free expression of opinions, and not directly or indirectly hinder the activities of the Association.
  • Notwithstanding any provisions hereunder, Honorary Members shall comply with the same obligations provided for the remaining members, except for the settlement of the membership fee and other monetary contributions.

Benefits for members

Benefits for the members of ASEMER:
  • Provide a forum for professionals and companies related to Spain and Romania.
  • Participation of an institution that will serve as an interlocutor for their problems and that may transmit, to the different institutions, their needs.
  • And of course, all the legal statutes, contained in Bylaws and legislation, such as:
    • Be a member of an entity that serves as interlocutor for any issue and that will be able to transmit the needed requests to different institutions and entities;
    • Participate in the Shareholders’ General Assembly, the right to vote and appoint members of the Board.
    • Participate in the Board and in the future different governing bodies, committees and working groups to be established.
    • Freely express his opinions on matters on matters within their respective interest, respecting ASEMER reputation and prestige, of the members and their representatives
    • Formulate proposals and applications ASEMER government bodies.


Membership Fees

In order to adapt to the current difficult economic situation and according to the philosophy of trying to make an association ASEMER accessible to all, the current Board has attempted to establish a system of fees that do not involve significant outlays for members.

The Board will try to fund the Association through other funding sources of revenue, with the idea that these membership fees to be more symbolic, and not the main source of funds for the Association.

Fees currently set shall be structured depending on whether the shareholder is an individual or a legal entity (Legal Person, Registered Sole Trade, Natural Person).

A single, fixed fee has been established for Natural Persons. Legal Persons shall choose among the set of progressive amounts that are directly proportional to the turnover in Romania during the previous year, ranging from a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 2500 RON/year.

Thus the established fees are as follows:


Company turnover in the previous year (in Euro)*

Annual membership fee (Lei)

Natural Person 500
Legal Person/PFA-Registered sole trader Under or equal to 100.000 500
Between 100.001 and 500.000 1.000
Between 500.001 and 1.000.000 1.500
Between 1.000.001 and 5.000.000 2.000
Over 5.000.001 2.500

*If the company turnover does not reflect the ecconomic reality of the associate, the fee shall be established based on other criteria.

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