Noticias ibéricas

Portugal tops Spain for Americans looking to move abroad

Analysis of Google data by My Dolce Casa has found that Portugal was 2022’s most searched for European country by Americans interested in moving abroad.

According to the site: “More and more Americans are considering moving abroad in search of a better quality of life, safety and good weather, and Europe has long been a favourite destination that checks these boxes. But one European country in particular has been much talked about throughout 2022 as a highly sought-after destination to live in: Portugal”.

During 2022, searches for Portugal each month topped 41,200, demonstrating a year-on-year increase of 30 percent, and knocking long-time favourite Spain off the most desired country to live in.

My Dolce Casa continues: “In 2022, Spain was Americans’ second favourite country to live in, with 38,900 average monthly Google searches, up 9% from 2021. At a great distance behind was Germany, with 15,300 searches, followed by Ireland with 13,200 and Italy, surprisingly only in fifth place, with a combined 12,600 searches per month.

“Moreover, Portugal saw the highest percentage and net increase in Google searches compared to the previous year, when Spain was the definitive leader, with 35,400 monthly searches in 2021. Simpler, less stringent immigration requirements and lower taxes have given Portugal an edge over Spain. It is worth noting that Portugal is about five times smaller in size compared to Spain, which makes this tiny but mighty country’s achievement even more impressive.


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