Why was ASEMER created?

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The Association of the Spanish Companies in Romania (ASEMER) was founded in September 2013.

The increasing number of Romanian companies with Spanish capital within the Romanian business community raised the need for association among Spanish entrepreneurs in order to share business connections.

Spanish entrepreneurs are aware of the need to strengthen the civil society in Romania, through non-governmental institutions that shall contribute to the process of development and modernization of the country.

We believe in the necessity of a Spanish voice in Romania, with no political colour, independent and focused on the development and promotion of Spanish companies in Romania.

Briefly, ASEMER is an organization aimed at representing the Spanish business interests in Romania, both current and future, that can be considered as such by public and private Romanian institutions, that can enjoy the agility and the freedom of communication with the latter, whose objective is Romania’s prosperity and, as a result, the prosperity of Spanish entrepreneurs located or yet to come to this country.

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